Opyn Monitor
IP & Android Touch Screen Monitor

IP Camera Integration - Add your IP camera to the monitor via ONVIF/RTSP

Android App Integration - Use your desired Android applications

Supports SIP Calling - Receive SIP video calls

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Any information provided in any documents or videos are correct at the time of release. Updates might be found in the comments of videos where it is needed.
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Title Version Release Date Link
Opyn Monitor (QSG) 1.0 05.02.25 Download

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Opyn Monitor (QSG) 0.0 00.00.00 N/A
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Opyn Monitor (QSG) 0.0 00.00.00 N/A

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Opyn Monitor (QSG) 0.0 00.00.00 N/A

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Title Version Release Date Link
Opyn Monitor - Full Manual 1.0 13.03.25 Download

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Opyn Monitor - Full Manual 0.0.0 00.00.00 N/A
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Opyn Monitor - Vollständiges Handbuch 0.0.0 00.00.00 N/A

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Opyn Monitor - Manuel Complet 0.0.0 00.00.00 N/A


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Opyn Monitor Datasheet 10.03.25 Download


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Opyn Monitor Cutsheet 03.10.25 Download

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Opyn Monitor Datenblatt 00.00.00 N/A


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Opyn Monitor Fiche Technique 00.00.00 N/A

Title Version Release Date Link
Cellcom Lite SMS Parameters 1.2.5 22.03.22 Download

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Opyn Pedestal Install Guide Download

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A: Try re-coding the handset and transmitter per instructions.

  • Check push button wiring to the transmitter with multi-meter.
  • Check power cable distance from power adaptor to transmitter is less than 4 meters

A: Check cable distance between the speech unit and transmitter. Shorten this if possible.

  • Check cable used between the speech unit and transmitter is screened CAT5.
  • Check that the screen of the CAT5 is connected to the ground in the transmiter per wiring instructions.

A: Check if the corresponding relay indicator light comes on. If it does, then the fault is either a power problem with excessive cable run, or wiring. If the relay can be heard clicking, then it is a wiring problem. If a click cannot be heard, then it is likely a power problem. If the light does not activate and the keypad emits an error tone, then the issue is likely a programming error.

A: Try the process again. If it still does not work, delete the code from the transmitter. To delete code, press the code button for 3 seconds and release. Then press it 7 times after which a tone should be heard. Then press another 7 times. Now try re-coding the handset again as per the procedure.

A: Check that the power cable to the transmitter is within guidelines and is heavy enough gauge. Insufficient power cabling will reduce transmission power! Check that there are not excessive objects blocking the signal, like large dense shrubs, vehicles, foil lined wall insulation etc. Try to achieve line of sight between both devices.

A: Check CAT5 wiring between speech panel and transmitter. Disconnect, re-strip cables and re-connect again.

A: Try replacing both batteries with equivalent Ni-Mh batteries firstly. It is possible to have a dead cell in a battery which can prevent both batteries from charging.

  • Check for contamination or grease on the charging pins at the base of the handset (gently scratch with screwdriver or wire wool).